0203 411 6543 info@datasky.com
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Easy Setup - Just Plug & Play

Use Free Wi-Fi to get closer to your customers.

Free Internet WiFi

Give your customers internet on the move.

Know Your Customers

Build an affordable eMarketing strategy.

Easy Setup

We have developed a simple and easy setup to deliver WiFi internet access for your customers. The unit we send you just plugs into your existing router – That’s It! We do the rest, giving your customers a unique marketing splash page and you the ability to grow your eMarketing strategy.

Free Internet WiFi

With most adults now using smartphones, internet access is a must, whether a user wants to message their friends to tell them where they are or what they are doing, get the latest news or just catch up on their emails. A secure and safe WiFi access point from Datasky can make sure your customers can surf safe without accessing your business network or restricting your internet access.

Know Your Customers

Deliver a 360 eMarketing strategy. A Datasky WiFi account can create audience engagement and help you create a meaningful marketing list, offering the ability to send email shots, targeted surveys and competitions, whilst building customer retention and loyalty.
Registered Office:
25 Maxwell Street
Symetrics Ltd T/A Datasky
A limited company registered in England and Wales.
Registered number: 05261424.

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